Queen Camel Medical Centre

Flu Vaccinations

Unfortunately we have been advised by the supplier of our flu vaccine for our patients aged 65 and over that there will be a delay to our delivery due to the transport/HGV driver difficulties. At this point they can’t give us a revised delivery date, but it is likely to be 1-2 weeks late. Therefore we have had to make the decision to postpone the clinics that we were due to run on 17th and 18th September. Cancelling a flu clinic is a huge task. If you have an appointment booked on 17th or 18th September, please could you email somccg.qcmc@nhs.net to confirm you have seen this message and that you know not to attend your appointment. This will help us reduce the number of calls the team will have to make. Please do not ring the surgery regarding flu appointments at the moment as the phone lines are very busy. As soon as we have a revised delivery date we will contact patients again to rebook. It would also help us if you could provide us with a mobile phone number when you email.